
来源:nylw.net 作者:陈龙 发表于:2013-10-01 14:27  点击:
[4] 王绍光,马骏.走向预算国家 [J].公共行政评论,2008(1). [5] 陈龙.预算信息公开:风险、困惑及化解 [J].国家行政学院学报,2011(5). On the Ways to Breakthrough Transition Traps: Promoting Budget's C

  [4] 王绍光,马骏.走向“预算国家” [J].公共行政评论,2008(1).
  [5] 陈龙.预算信息公开:风险、困惑及化解 [J].国家行政学院学报,2011(5).
  On the Ways to Breakthrough "Transition Traps": Promoting Budget's Construction Capacity
  Chen Long
  (Research Institute for Fiscal Science,Ministry of Finance,Beijing 100142,China)
  Abstract: Nowadays,China's economic-social development and transformation confront a lot of traps such as "low capacity country","low quality market economy","democratic formalism","irrational populism" and so on. The way to breakthrough these traps lies in the acceleration of state building and in the benign interaction between government and market, government and society. Budget is not only an efficiency tool and control tool, it is also the key for modern society to realize the state building and to innovate the public governance. Budget plays an extremely important role in overcoming the transition traps. Constitutional budgeting helps the construction of economic order. Budgetary control and accountability mechanism help the construction of political and social order. Budget information representation and consultation help the construction of public rationality. In order to enhance the construction capacity of budget, it is necessary to speed up relative system reforms.
  Key words: budget; transition traps; construction capacity

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