
来源:网络(转载) 作者:李春青 周座 发表于:2012-01-10 12:54  点击:
(五) 实现从能破到能立,逐步建立自己的体系 在不断的试错过程中,政府信息系统审计要随着价值观的统一和内在精神的形成以及政府信息系统审计内容、方法的探索,实现从能破到能立的转变。立,需要从内在需求出发

  (五) 实现从能破到能立,逐步建立自己的体系
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  Absorption from Abroad or Independent Development:
  Study on Development Approaches to Government
  Information System Audit in China
  LI Chunqing, ZHOU Zuo
  Abstract: There exist different views as to the development approaches to government information system audit in China. Centering around the two typical views of absorption from abroad and independent development, we found that sole dependence on introduced form is impractical, and the independent development represents the right direction although it has some problems. At present, we should explore the new theory, try through mistakes and innovate continuously besides studying foreign theory to form government information system audit that is suitable for the current situation in China.
  Key Words: information system audit; development approach; internal control; computer audit; IT audit; ISACA system

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