
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:吴晓黎 卢晓珊 发表于:2014-12-18 14:20  点击:
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  Survey on the Blood Supply in Guangzhou and Discussion about Its Distribution
  WU Xiaoli,LU Xiaoshan
  (School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China ,)
  Abstract: This paper investigates Guangzhou blood center and hospitals with unstructured interview to explore for every link of blood supply chain. It analyses the current situation of blood collection agencies and blood using organization in Guangzhou and discusses the whole blood distribution process improvement to find out a solution to the contradiction between blood supply and demand. The study found that blood demand of Guangzhou exceeds supply, and lacking in blood source is the most difficult problem. By learning from Beijing or Hong Kong, Guangzhou should built up a unified information platform to improve the distribution efficiency and promote the understanding about costs involved in the process by the aid of public welfare organizations and media to solve the shortage of blood source. The research hopes to provide certain reference to optimize blood distribution system and blood inventory management.
  Keywords:blood distribution; EOQ model; Guangzhou 



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