Graphic art form in the use of urban public art

来源:网络(WWW.NYLW.NET) 作者:徐凯 发表于:2011-05-30 11:55  点击:
【关健词】super graphic art, urban art,
In modern society, a variety of new media and the invention    of new materials, the use of graphic design to promote expression greatly increased, which was subsequently applied to the building and the environment, breaking the traditional decor

What is public art, the industry has their different opinions, the famous artist Professor Yuan Yunfu has summarized, "Public art is the art of the people cluster complex environment." In today's urban cultural landscape, as viewed from the artistic expression, public art is not only that it remains confined to sculptures and murals, and even now there are views that the equivalent of public art sculptures. Limited to traditional forms of public art space constraints, many places do not have much space for sculptures and other art exhibition space, how to solve the embarrassing situation of public art that it, not space for a plane bound forms of artistic expression is the solution one. In fact, graphic arts and public art are inextricably linked, they are not completely "isolated" on the art form.
  Public art originated in the 1920-1930 era of the United States, to enhance the cultural quality of people's living environment, and in order to improve the living conditions of the assistance to professional artists, learn from Roosevelt, the successful experience of the Mexican mural, commissioned by the artist community has launched a sponsorship program to paint the public, Just a few years to complete the 2500 murals, these murals not only beautify the environment, and enhance the cultural quality of urban public spaces. Public art can be seen when the originator is the first in the form of graphic art.
  "Super Graphic Design Art" is a flat belonging to an emerging form of art, but also works of graphic design to space, to the environment, the process itself represents the essence of the media as the inevitable direction. The so-called super-graphic design, is 60 years since the 20th century, the combination of graphic design and architecture, in particular, simple geometry, formed on the surface in the construction of a graphic symbol. Looking at the modern city, street, building, community, and various cultural sites such as indoor and outdoor environments, ultra-graphic design everywhere, and already being integrated into environmental art, hard to tell you me.
  From the most primitive cave paintings of human remains, to the great masters of Renaissance art with their painted murals of the church is full of fantasy, and the master of modern art decoration or even for a bold deconstruction of space, all let us recognize that "construction of indoor and outdoor space to the surface or That the changes to create a vivid expression of results. "This is the style of ultra-generated graphic design inspiration motivation.
 Contact with people in the public environment is the most ground. And often people pay attention; whether it is walking across the street or sat down to rest when the Association of the line of sight toward the ground. Street art is the use of three-dimensional stereoscopic vision of human eyes produced the phenomenon of bad paintings, this strange art form allows people to see a very exciting world. Draw on the road three-dimensional pieces of art, the realistic visual effects is almost as real.
  General painting and photography skills, computer-generated three-dimensional animations of the human eye is the use of light and shadow, light and shade, the actual situation of the feel-dimensional feeling, but did not make use binocular stereo vision, a sight seeing and two are the same The. Full use of three-dimensional paintings binocular stereo vision, will you see a very exciting world.
  Hyper plane design is different from other art forms of public art form, it takes full advantage of public space, to solve the field of graphic art in the public environment in the sense of space, to reduce unnecessary waste of space, but also attracted a large number of people Viewing and participation. In my opinion, this particular art form in the future will be in the public arts occupy an important position.
  [1] Lo Film Graphic Design Art [M] Chinese People's University Press, 2005
  [2] Jue Lu film history and aesthetics communication design [M] Chinese People's University Press, 2000
  [3] Baide Mao urban space environment design [M] China Build- ing Industry Press, 2002

