The Introspection of Feminine Literature(2)

来源:南粤论文中心 作者:张棋 发表于:2013-05-11 13:36  点击:
【关健词】 关键词:女权主义,平等,自我价值
3. Thought on marriage It is until I read these books did I figure out why there are so many women who are unwilling to get married or they will announce that they belong to the the Never-Marry group

  3. Thought on marriage
  It is until I read these books did I figure out why there are so many women who are unwilling to get married or they will announce that they belong to the the Never-Marry group .As we know, women’s resistance to marriage has been a prevailing trend in China's cities, which is opposite to Chinese traditional views. Many critics think that this choice of life is believed to result from the city woman's psychological problems caused by great competition in work and stress in life with the rapid economic and social development.In my opinion,I do not think this kind of trend has some relevance to psychological state.It is not because they do not want a perfect marriage or they have mental illness but because the eager for freedom is first thing they want to take into consideration.Fear of losing control of themselves is stuck them in the state of single.In my point of view ,it is an advance rather a disaster.Women begin to explore their self value and are loath to take the part imposed by the male-dominated world.However the marriage pushed by the pressure of society and anxiety of parents are surrounded by us.Not only in the real life ,but also in the literature,such as in The Grass is Singing.Although Mary had led a somewhat limited life in her sleepy South African town, she was happy, until she overheard some friends say that she would never marry.At those words, her delicately balanced little world overturned, and she suddenly realized that it was desirable to have a husband, to be like the rest of her circle. Mary Turner's life is tragic. She is effectively forced into marriage by the weight of social expectations and traditions. She never loves her husband, but she is at least initially glad to have one, as it makes her "normal". From the moment she marries, however, she is engaged in a losing battle to hold on to her own identity. The struggle becomes too much for her, and eventually her mind gives. Step by step, she had come to this, a woman without will, sitting on an old ruined sofa that smelled of dirt, waiting for the night to come that would finish her.It illustrates how Mary attempts to adapt herself to androcentric expectations about women even though she is unsuited to them. When I read the novels ,the apparition of many friends’ faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet,black bough.
  As a modern female ,I do not think we should indulge us in the the evil of patriarchal societies where men set the rules and standards and women are thus subordinated .We decide to choose a marriage not because the pressure squeezes us or we want to live up to others’ expectation ,but because of spontaneity .Even though after marriage , we ought to keep our mind to realize our self values,or we’d better put quality before quantity. (作者单位:武汉理工大学外国语学院)
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  [5]Lessi ng , Dor is . The G rass I s S ing ing . Trans . Y i Le. i Nanji ng : Y ili n Press , 1999 .
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