Challenges in an English-running Science-oriented Seminar Co(2)

来源:网络(WWW.NYLW.NET) 作者:余兰 发表于:2011-06-07 15:49  点击:
【关健词】Academic Presentation;Language
The open-ended questionnaire is composed of two parts: personal background and some questions related to the three research questions. The questions were written in English. However, the informants c

  The open-ended questionnaire is composed of two parts: personal background and some questions related to the three research questions. The questions were written in English. However, the informants could use Thai to answer the questions at their language convenience, for I want to obtain more information for each question. When I finished the four times of classroom observation I gave an interview to the two instructors about their views on the students’ progress in English, especially their performance in giving and understanding the academic presentation. Although the instructors were not language teachers, both of them studied abroad for one or more years. The results of the interview can strengthen the answer to the research questions. All the data from the questionnaire and interview were coded, entered into different data-table and then recoded and analyzed.
4. Results
  4.1 What are the difficulties that the biomedical graduate students encountered in giving the presentation?
  4.1.1 The difficulties the experienced learners (two PhD students and one 2nd year M.M.S. student) encountered as a presenter.
  a. Making the presentation interesting to draw attention from the audience in addition to informing them of the content. e.g. “How can I do my presentation attractively?” “How can I get a high evaluation from the instructors and the audience?” They intended to draw attention from the audience and made the presentation vivid.
  b. They cannot understand the article used as the source or contents of their presentation. e.g. “Many special graphs and tables are so difficulty for me to understand.” “Sometimes the section of methodology is hard for me.” They can comprehend the contents used for their presentation mainly, although some parts and points are still difficult. Lack of high language proficiency is a problem to the EFL learners, even the high ranked learners in different disciplines.
  4.1.2 The difficulties the less experienced learners (two 2nd year and two 1st year M.M.S. students) encountered as a presenter.
  a. They cannot understand the article used as the source or contents of their presentation. e.g. “I cannot understand the methodology part.” “Actually I hardly know the discussion and some special graphs in the article.” “I do not know the grammar in the article.” It is a big problem to the less experienced learners to have a good comprehension of the content used as source for their presentation. Even one 1st year M.Sc. student said the grammar in the article is an obstacle to her in the process of preparation.
  b. The students were anxious and nervous when they were giving the presentation. e.g. “When I stand on the stage I am so nervous.” “I am worried when I am speaking in English.” The anxiety and nervousness prevented the presenters from having a coherent utterance. The presentation could not go smoothly, for they had to stop time and again during the presentation and sometimes they read the slides so quickly.
  4.2 What are the difficulties that the biomedical graduate students encountered in listening to the presentation?
  4.2.1 The difficulties that the experienced learners encountered as audience
  a. They are not familiar with the content of the presentation. e.g. “I do not know it well if the content is about other disciplines or majors.” Even the high ranked learners found it very difficult to get clear ideas for what they were listening to, especially when the content being presented is different from their major. The probability of understanding of the others’ presentation was lower.
  4.2.2 The difficulties the less experienced learners encountered as audience.
  a. They were not familiar with the content of the presentation. e.g. “I cannot understand what she is presenting especially the topic is not related to my major” “Sometimes I am not sure what I heard is the same as the content she presented.” These audiences always listened silently without facial expression, which seemed like that they could not think over and follow what the presenter was saying.
 b. Posing questions to the speaker in English. They could not pose questions to the speaker in English, let along if there was an unfamiliar topic. Most of them asked questions in Thai. In addition, one student posed a question in English first, and then she changed it into Thai in order to express herself clearly.
  4.3 The strategies used by the students when giving the presentation
  4.3.1 The strategies used by the experienced learners as presenter
  a. Trying to comprehend the article as the content for the presentation. e.g. “I read more related articles.” “I look for more knowledge on the Internet.” Content comprehension is important in increasing the proficiency of giving the presentation. Some other ability such as pronunciation practice with computer-skills may play a role for the higher proficiency students. (责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心:代写代发论文_毕业论文带写_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)
