Challenges in an English-running Science-oriented Seminar Co(3)

来源:网络(WWW.NYLW.NET) 作者:余兰 发表于:2011-06-07 15:49  点击:
【关健词】Academic Presentation;Language
b. Trying to rehearse a presentation before the real one. e.g. I read several times of my slides and take notes in each for reminding. I practice my sentences such as use what sentence to connect the

  b. Trying to rehearse a presentation before the real one. e.g. “I read several times of my slides and take notes in each for reminding.” “I practice my sentences such as use what sentence to connect the slides.” More exposure to the target language is very essential for speaking. Some personal ways are acceptable for taking a better performance in the real presentation.
  4.3.2 The strategies used by the less experienced learners as presenter
  a. Trying to comprehend the article as the content for the presentation. e.g. “I read the article at least two times.” “I read many books about this topic.” Content comprehension is important to enhance the proficiency of speaking in the presentation. Some other ways such as asking for help from friends or advisors is also important for a better understanding of the contents.
  b. Practicing more times before the real presentation. e.g. “I read several times of my slides.” “I do the rehearsal by myself.” More exposure to the target language is very essential to improve the quality of speaking.
  4.4 The strategies used by the students when listening to the presentation
  4.4.1 The strategies used by the experienced learners as audience
  a. Asking questions to the speaker directly. e.g. “I will ask her about the main points again.” “Asking questions about what I missed.” Asking questions about what one is not clear is an effective way to enhance one’s understanding when listening, so all the students are involved in this way no matter what ranking they are in.
  b. Reading the handout carefully. e.g. “I will read the handout by myself if I cannot understand.”
  c. Taking notes while listening. e.g. “I will take notes.” “I will write down some main points.”
  d. Listening carefully. e.g. “I will focus on listening at that time in order to get a better understanding.” “Listening very carefully”
  5. Discussion
  L2 students strive diligently to overcome the language barriers in their study no matter whether the oral expression or the literacy of the target language is concerned. When L2 students are exposed to academic hurdles, their academic reading and listening comprehension would be difficult for them at the most essential stance.
5.1 The factors affecting the ability in giving an academic presentation
  If students’ knowledge of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary is insufficient, it is probable that their English listening comprehension will be negatively affected by lack of language knowledge. Listening proficiency consists of content listening comprehension and listening strategies. Content of the particular disciplines plays an important role in evaluating students’ comprehension of what they listened to during the presentation made by others. If the student is unable to distinguish the main content structure of the research articles, presenting is unlikely to occur with accuracy. Some students in lower ranking do become accustomed to analyzing grammatical structure when they are reading the articles, they confuses about relationships in a sentence and connections between sentences and they are often unsure of relationship within sentences, let along the content comprehension. Thus lack of grammatical knowledge can reduce English reading levels. Reading comprehension includes content comprehension and reading strategies usage. In addition, lack of comprehension of the target content affects their listening to others’ presentation. When the students gain confidence in comprehending content, they were motivated to participate freely in doing presentation. Sometimes the students have no confidence to do the oral presentation for lacking of the understanding for content in the research articles and their speech is unintelligible sometimes. Conversely, they could not understand the others’ presentation because they were unfamiliar with the content of the others’ topic. Speaking skills are very important in taking seminar course, especially the general conversation ability and presentation skills. The general conversation ability is curial because when the student finished presentation, she has to take A & Q. Most of the students lack of general conversation ability, and finally they will turn the English conversation into Thai to answer questions posed in English. Meanwhile, they lack of presentation skills when giving presentation.
  Except the language skills mentioned above and content comprehension, how to integrate all the skills in giving the presentation is a big task for students to think about in the English-running seminar.
  5.2 Strategies used in giving and taking academic presentation
  In the listening aspects, students need to remove the hurdles caused by lacking of content comprehension of the presentation by other people, which will drive them to read the handout carefully in order to get the main ideas and gists instead of listening to the presentation. Listening carefully and paying more attention to the main points are also important ways to help the students have a better understanding of what they have heard. On the other hand, for almost all the students mentioned above, note-taking is necessary while listening, which can assist their comprehension of the target content. Speaking strategies are of particular importance for the presenters to overcome nervousness and learn to ask and answer questions straightforward. It seems that students should have a good comprehension of the content as the source of their presentation; otherwise, they can not do their presentation fluently and clearly. Furthermore, practice more times of embedded knowledge in slides can take the rapid progress in oral expression. Continuing to rehearse before the real presentation also takes more exposure to the target language, which is very essential for speaking as well. (责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心:代写代发论文_毕业论文带写_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)
