基层自治: 纵向分权和多元治理(5)

来源:网络(转载) 作者:殷昭举 发表于:2011-06-24 10:39  点击:
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  An Analysis of Grassroots Self-government: Longitudinal Decentralization
  and Multi-dimensional Governance
  Yin Zhaoju
   (School of Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China)
  Abstract: For a long in the past, the grassroots self-government in our country has been practiced in the framework of the dialectical interaction between centralization and autonomous units. Along with the development and reform, this theoretical framework is unable to explain and solve the problems of longitudinal decentralization and authority share. The place government theory emerged recently taking the market economy as the guidance, emphasizing the longitudinal decentralization, the multi-central governance structure, the citizen participation, and seeking the government and the social cooperation, can serve as a better framework for the theoretical and practical needs of grassroots self-government.
  keywords: grassroots self-government; place governance; longitudinal decentralization; multi-dimensional governance

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