
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:沈亚平 王瑜 发表于:2014-10-27 11:48  点击:
参考文献: [1]中华人民共和国环境保护部.第七届全国生态省论坛暨生态文明建设工作会议强调增强建设生态文明主动性积极性[EB/OL].http://news.hexun.com/2012-08-23/145061292.html,2012-08-23. [2] 李忠将.西部

  [2] 李忠将.西部生态呼唤补偿机制[EB/OL].http://www.xinhuanet.com/xwpd/2005-08-01/content_4766189.htm,2005-08-01.
  Research on Mechanism-Oriented
  Construction of Eco-city by Local Government
  Shen Yaping Wang Yu
  Abstract: With the quickening pace of urbanization and industrialization, changing the concept of urban construction and achieving harmony between human and nature are imminent. Thus, the idea of eco-city construction was come up. After years of efforts, the regional ecological city construction in our country has begun to take shape. Implementation of any policy is inseparable from the support of executive body, institution building and resource supply. Therefore, the system analysis of obstacles of local government’s eco-city construction from three aspects is particularly necessary. To promote the process of eco-city construction, local government needs to improve and perfect the mechanisms, mainly including responsibility mechanism, planning mechanism, incentive mechanism, monitoring mechanism and performance evaluation mechanism.
  Keywords: Ecological city construction; Responsibility mechanism; Planning mechanism; Incentive mechanism; Monitoring mechanism; Performance evaluation mechanism

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