
来源:网络(转载) 作者:龙长安 发表于:2012-07-15 13:28  点击:
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  The localism and the dilemma of federalism movement
  in modern china
  LONG Changan
  (Law of School, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243002, China)
  Abstract: The federalism movement is the pursuit of national transformation and construction of modern China in a political movement, but there is a complex political and social factors for the occurrence of the movement. If the theory of federalism is the identity of intellectuals and foreign academic basis for the implementation of the provincial autonomy movement, for local business people, local governors and later the local warlords, the impact on their identity to the joint federalism movement is the rising of localism and development. Federalism theory of provincial autonomy, provides bottom-up to establish a constitutional state, complete reunification of the country. The localism focus is to maintain the vested interests of local business people, local governors and local warlords in the provinces. Localism for the federalism movement is to find some foothold in China, but it restricts the further development of the Joint federalism movement. The relation between the localism and federalism results in the federalism movement connect with warlord separatist regime, which influences the transformation of modern china.
  Key Words: localism; federalism; federalism movement; political dilemma

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