
来源:网络(转载) 作者:沈伯平 发表于:2012-03-18 08:47  点击:
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  The Choice of the Object of China Security Market Regulation during Transitional Period
  Shen Boping
  Abstract: The idea of making the security market acted as financing state-owned enterprises, thus accelerating economy growth isn’t compliant with the economy development, the regulators must transfer to investor protection which is the core object of security market regulation and promote China security market to develop constantly and sustainably. Investor protection is the core object of security market government regulation. The institutional foundation of the absence of the mechanism of investor protection in China security market is that the government acts as three roles at the same time: the actual or varietal ultimate owner of the state-owned listed company,stock exchange and security company; the protector of investor’s interest and the regulator and supervisor of the stock market.
  Keyword: Investor protection; stock market regulation; the choice of the objects; transitional period; government regulation

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