
来源:网络(转载) 作者:肖旦 杨建梅 周永务 发表于:2011-06-24 10:23  点击:
【关健词】供应链合作网络; 复杂网络; 无标度; 小世界
然而, 通过计算可发现该自选策略供应链网络的平均路径长度仅为2.681, 该网络上任意两点之间是连通的, 并且他们之间的平均信任度不超过3, 说明该网络中的供应商和零售商之间可以通过平均不超过1个企业建立合作关

  然而, 通过计算可发现该“自选策略”供应链网络的平均路径长度仅为2.681, 该网络上任意两点之间是连通的, 并且他们之间的平均信任度不超过3, 说明该网络中的供应商和零售商之间可以通过平均不超过1个企业建立合作关系, 因此该合作网络是小世界的。
  四、 结论和进一步研究的方向
   本文通过对实际中企业寻求合作关系的两种不同策略——“从众”策略和“自选”策略建立供应链合作网络的过程进行仿真模拟, 发现采取“从众”策略的企业所形成的供应链网络具有无标度的特征, 而采取“自选”策略的企业所形成的供应链网络具有小世界的特征。但是, 本文所考虑的企业都是同质的, 即采取的都是相同的策略, 而现实世界中的企业具有不同质的特征, 因此, 本文进一步的研究方向是研究采取混合策略的供应链网络的演化仿真。
  Evolution of Supply Chain Cooperation Networks Based on
  “Herding” and “Self-Selection” Strategies
  Xiao Dan, Yang Jianmei, Zhou Yongwu
  (School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China)
  Abstract: With the development of production-based economy and information technology, the cooperation system consisting of consumers, retailers, distributors and suppliers is operated in the form of network. Since research on the evolution law of cooperation behavior in supply network cooperation between two enterprises in reality has two different strategies: herding mode and self-selection mode, in this paper we simulate supply chain evolution process by applying the two different modes. The results show that supply chain cooperation based on herding mode is endowed with the character of scale-free, and supply chain cooperation based on self-selection mode is bestowed with the feature of small-world. The actual characteristics of business cooperation networks are characterized to some degree.
  keywords: supply chain cooperation networks; complex networks; scale-free; small-world
  (责任编辑: 邓泽辉)

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