
来源:网络(转载) 作者:纪明辉 徐卓顺 发表于:2011-08-26 10:07  点击:
[2]国家统计局. 关于2010年上半年各省自治区直辖市单位GDP能耗降低率的公告[EB/OL]. http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjdt/zygg/gjtjjgg /t20100902_402669207.htm. [3]大力推进工业节能工作 实现工业经济优质发展[EB/OL].

  [2]国家统计局. 关于2010年上半年各省自治区直辖市单位GDP能耗降低率的公告[EB/OL]. http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjdt/zygg/gjtjjgg
  [3]大力推进工业节能工作 实现工业经济优质发展[EB/OL].http://www.ccnews.gov.cn/xinwen/dbxw/zxzl/pages/e27ecb83-98c4-4df5-
  Research on the Development of Low-carbon Economy of Jilin Province
  Ji Minghui,Xu Zhuoshun
  (Soft Science Institute of Jilin Academy of Social Science, Changchun 130033,China)
  Abstract:Jilin province has gained significant improvement on developing Low-carbon economy, such as energy saving, cost reduction of industry, exploitation of high quality and new energy. But the unreasonable energy structure, slow arrangement of industrial structure, low efficiency of energy capacity, gradual increasing of living cost and insufficiency of excitation mechanism on R&D and extending still exist in Jilin's economy. In the new period, Jilin province developing Low-carbon economy should follow the strategies as going a road to industrialization of a new type, developing the emerging industries of strategic importance at full blast, strengthening the construction of Low-carbon cities.
  Key words:low-carbon;energy;industrial structure;strategy

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