
来源:网络(转载) 作者:胡春艳 李贵 发表于:2012-07-15 13:19  点击:
[19] Ackerman. Social Accountability for the Public Sector: A Conceptual Discussion [M]. Washington D.C: The World Bank, 2005. Literature review on the western accountability research HU Chunyan, LI

  [19] Ackerman. Social Accountability for the Public Sector: A Conceptual Discussion [M]. Washington D.C: The World Bank, 2005.
  Literature review on the western accountability research
  HU Chunyan, LI Gui
  (The School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
  Abstract: Over the last decade, western scholars have made a lot of research on accountability system, which includes the theory of accountability such as definition, types analysis, structural analysis etc. Focused on the plight of the analysis and solution strategies, it has formed a relatively mature system. China’s administrative accountability is of the late start, it focuses on the plight of the analysis and solution strategies, lacks of theoretical basis, thus accountability of the localization study is backward. Accountability study is still an urgent task for the current Chinese academic.

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