论Internet与Internet of Things

来源:网络(转载) 作者:曾华燊 发表于:2012-04-14 11:44  点击:
从Internet发展历史及应用环境变化的角度讨论IoT(Internet of Things)提出背景、内涵、组成结构和体系结构等关键问题。在分析对IoT的典型定义的基础上,笔者认为“ITU把IoT作为Internet平台在应用领域实现人、机、和智能化物理对象(SPO)信息全方位互通和实践普适计算理

鉴于对Internet of Things (IoT)的认识直接关系到对相关研究和产品开发的导向,本期的专题论文——“论Internet与Internet of Things”,从Internet与IoT的关系的角度较深入地讨论IoT的内涵及其组成结构和关键技术。该文反对把IoT狭隘地理解为“联物的专用网”或“物联网”,主张把IoT视为Internet在应用领域和应用模式的扩展,是以下一代Internet为支撑的“人、机、物”全面互联的网络应用系统的总称,因而应当将下一代网络技术与未来网络应用系统作为一个整体进行关联性研究。编辑部希望广大读者能够就IoT问题通过本刊网站:http://www.joca.cn投稿,百家争鸣,开展深入的学术讨论,以推动我国有关IoT技术研究与产品开发。“智慧地球”的理念强调“更深入的感知、更广泛的互联互通和更深入的智能化处理”,本专题的另两篇关于“智能城市交通”的文章以及本刊2012年第5期“智慧轨道交通”专题的4篇文章,是对“智慧地球”理念在交通行业的典型应用的探讨。编者希望:本刊的两个专题能够为推动“物联网”和“智慧地球”的研究与实践起到抛砖引玉的作用。
  文章编号:1001-9081(2012)04-0893-07 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1087.2012.00893
  摘要:从Internet发展历史及应用环境变化的角度讨论IoT(Internet of Things)提出背景、内涵、组成结构和体系结构等关键问题。在分析对IoT的典型定义的基础上,笔者认为“ITU把IoT作为Internet平台在应用领域实现人、机、和智能化物理对象(SPO)信息全方位互通和实践普适计算理念的下一代Internet及其应用系统的概括”是对IoT更为合理的广义定义。以该定义为基础,全面地分析了“由多个用户域网(CPN)通过骨干通信子网互联”的基本组成结构,讨论了两类SPOCPN的基本组成结构及其支撑技术;指出SPO的引入主要影响CPN资源网络中的接入部分,属于应用系统的范畴,对Internet基本技术影响甚微。笔者不赞同以欧盟为代表的把IoT定义为联物专用网的狭义定义,指出其IoT模型和体系结构研究混淆了网络平台与应用系统,实质上是网络应用系统模型和体系结构。
  中图分类号: TN915.03;TP393.03 文献标志码:A
  On Internet and Internet of things
  ZENG Huashen*
  School of Information Science and Technology, Chengdu University, Chengdu Sichuan 610106, China
  Based on analysis of development history and application environment changes of Internet, this paper provides a comprehensive discussion on incentive, connotation, organization,and key issues of the Internet of Things (IoT). The author is in favor of ITU’s macrodefinition of IoT, which treats it as a representation of Next Generation Internet (NGI) and its application systems interconnect everything (human beings, computers, and Smart Physical Objects (SPO)) in applying the concept of ubiquitous computing. Based on this definition, the author analyzed the basic organization of IoT, which consists of interconnected multiple CPNs (Customer Premises Networks) via backbone subnetworks, and examined components two types of SPOCPN and their support techniques. It is also pointed out that introduction of SPO has little impact on Internet technology, except on access part of CPN of application systems. The author disagrees with the definition of IoT in narrow sense given by the European communities, which restricts IoT to Internet of interconnecting physical objects, and points out their models and architectures of IoT are essentially those of network application systems.
  Based on the analysis of development history and application environment changes of Internet, this paper provided a comprehensive discussion on the incentive, connotation, organization,and some key issues of the Internet of Things (IoT). On the basis of the analysis of the typical definition of IoT, the author believed that "the full range of information interoperability ITU to IoT as an Internet platform in the application areas of human, machine, and intelligent physical objects (SPO) and the next generation Internet applications generalization of Pervasive Computing (Ubiquitous Computing) concept " is a more reasonable broad definition of the IoT. Based on this definition, the author analyzed the basic organization of IoT, which consisted of interconnected multiple Customer Premises Network (CPN) via backbone Subnetworks, and examined two types of components of SPOCPN and their supporting techniques. It was also pointed out that introduction of SPO has little impact on Internet technology, except on access part of CPN of application systems. The author disagreed on the definition of IoT in narrow sense given by the European communities, which restricted IoT to Internet of interconnecting physical objects, and pointed out their models and architectures of IoT are essentially those of network application systems. Key words:
  Smart Physical Object (SPO); The Internet of Things (IoT); Internet of Physical Objects (IPO); Internet of Everything (IoE)
  2005年,国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union, ITU)正式提出了“The Internet of Things”(IoT)的概念[1]。由于IoT的理念预示着由于无线通信技术、各类传感器技术的进展,将Internet的应用对象从“人和计算机”拓展到智能化的物,从而形成“人、机、物”全方位信息交换和资源共享的新局面。IoT概念的提出,受到全球学术界和工业界的广泛关注,业内专家认为,IoT一方面可以提高经济效益,大大节约成本;另一方面可以为全球经济的复苏提供技术动力。有人甚至认为IoT将成为继计算机、互联网之后,世界信息产业的第三次浪潮。2009年1月28日,奥巴马就任美国总统后,在与美国工商业领袖举行了一次“圆桌会议”上,IBM首席执行官彭明盛首次提出“智慧地球”这一概念,建议新政府投资新一代的智慧型基础设施。智慧地球以更广泛的互联互通、更深入的感知和智能化为三大基本支撑,而IoT的理念将在实现智慧地球中扮演重要的角色。 (责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心: http://www.nylw.net(南粤论文中心__代写代发论文_毕业论文带写_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)

