
来源:网络(转载) 作者:刘钧 徐文娟 发表于:2011-09-08 14:31  点击:
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  Prediction and Administration of the Supply and Demand of
  Labor Force during 2010 to 2030
  LIU Jun1,XU Wen-juan2
  (1. School of Insurance, Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing,100081;
  2. Department of Strategy, People’s Insurance Company of China, Beijing 100022, China)
  Abstract: This article begins with the discrepancy between the supply and demand of labor force in China and predicts the situation in the future 20 years roughly. Through estimation, the discrepancy over 10% will last until 2020 and the author believes that the main duty of the government should be to adopt effective administrative measures to reduce the surplus of supply in order to expand employment.
  Key words: supply of labor force; demand of labor force; flexible employment

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