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来源:南粤论文中心 作者:刘扬 发表于:2013-01-19 15:13  点击:
【关健词】经济原则 商务英语写作 简洁明快 专业术语
2.1用词简洁明快 经济原则要求商务英语写作必须长话短说,力戒啰嗦,避免不必要的重复,尽量使用现代英语表达,控制字数,以构造有效句子和段落。 2.1.1长话短说,尽力避免啰嗦 商务英语要以尽可能少的文字表达清楚

  商务英语要以尽可能少的文字表达清楚所需要表达的意思,要表达得清清楚楚、明明白白,不会引起误解,毫无晦涩难懂之处。商务英语一般句子简炼,但求表达清楚明了。尽可能多使用单词和短语来表达你的意思,而不用长句或从句。例如:常用now 代替at this time,用decide 代替come to a decision ,用because代替 due to the fact that,用so 代替in such a manner that,用about代替in the neighborhood of等等。(廖瑛2005:32-33)
  2.1.2 避免使用笼统的、陈旧的商业术语,尽量用现代英语表达。
  ①避免使用怪词、难词,尽量使用常用词语。例如:用about代替approximately,用when代替at the time of,用enough代替adequate number of,用allow代替advert admit of,用ask代替request/ interrogate,用end代替terminate等等。(方梦之等,2008:122)
  a) wordy: We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday.
  b)concise: We confirm our telex of July 2nd, 2010. (张新红等,2005:13)
  a)wordy:I wish to express my heartfelt, gratitude to you for your kind cooperation.
  b)concise: Thank you for your cooperation.
  a)wordy: Persons who violate this law…
  b)concise: Persons violating this law…
  c)concise: Violators of this law…(方梦之
  wordy:We have begun to export our machines to the foreign countries.
  concise:We have begun to export our machines. (廖瑛等,2005:37)
  分析:export指的是“把机器卖往国外”,句末再加“to the foreign countries”,不必要的重复出现了。
  wordy:Samples will be seat and offers will be made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.
  concise: Samples will be seat and offers made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.(廖瑛等,2005:38)
  分析:这是一个复合句,第二分句中“will be”的重复使用,使得句子烦冗累赘。一般说来,第二分句中与第一分句中的相同成分应当省略。
  Dear sirs,
  Will you send us the samples of Shanghai
  Printed Pure Silk Fabrics of various patterns sometime, any time during the month of May , or even June if you are busy now, for June would suit us better.
  Hoping to send these samples along to us by express, and not by parcel post, as parcel post is too slow to reach us in time, while express will be much faster.
  Yours faithfully
  在这封信中,发送样品的时间陈述过三次,那就是“某个时候”,五月的任何时间甚至“六月”,而发送样品的方法讲过两次,那就是“用快件”,“用包裹”。如果将信 缩写如下,作者就会一目了然。 Dear sirs,
  Please send us the samples of Shanghai
  Printed Pure Silk Fabrics of various patterns by express, by the end of June.
  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
  Yours faithfully
  ①In your letter of April 8, in connection with our order No.135,we are enclosing herewith as per your demand, a certificate to the effect that the quantity delivered is less than ordered.(在贵方4月8日来函中,关于我方135号订单的订货,我方已按贵方要求在此附上证明一份,其内容大致为交货数量少于所订数量。)
  As requested in your letter of April8, concerning our order No.135, we are enclosing a certificate of short delivery (weight).(按照贵方4月8日来函要求,关于我方135号订单的订货,我方附寄短装证明一份。)
  ②We would like know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by fax without delay.(我们很想知道您是否容许我们将交货时间延期20天,如果你方友好地容许我方延期20天,请速电复无误。)
  本句由42个单词组成,要求将交货日期延迟20天,表达上过分的客气使得句子冗长而不清楚。而且,to extend the time of shipment for twenty days 这一表达在意义上也很含糊,为了更好地表达主要意思,本句可以缩写为:Please reply by fax immediately if you will allow us the delay the shipment until April 21.(如同意我方把交货时间延期至4月21日,请速电复。)
  但是,不应当毫不考虑句子意义上的连贯和结构上的紧凑而将句子缩减为短小的简单句或短语。现在,让我们分析下列段落,并尽量将其重写得更好一些:(责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心: http://www.nylw.net(南粤论文中心__代写代发论文_毕业论文带写_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)
