
来源:网络(转载) 作者:李柯 发表于:2011-07-18 11:19  点击:

  综上所论,在晚明诗学的现实困境中不断寻求突围与整合,使李流芳诗学思想充满了问题色彩与总结意味。流芳之所以能在公安、竟陵盛极一时的历史条件下,保持其不激不偏却又特立鲜明的诗学立场如上,则很大程度上取决于他的人格风范。而他所身处的晚明嘉定这一特定时代与特殊地域正是塑成其品性人格的关键所在。追求个体自适、个性自由,而不苟于流俗是晚明时代在李流芳身上留下的特殊印记,他的诗学思想便充满了性情高涨的时代精神与独立批判的个性风采。与此同时,嘉定县自明初以来渐次形成的以笃实尚古、不务虚名、卓然于世、兼采众长等为特征的地方古学发展至晚明已彬彬称盛(注:按:夏咸淳先生曾对明代嘉定古学作过具有开创意义的深入研究,参见其文《明代嘉定古学与四先生文化品格》,载黄霖主编《归有光与嘉定四先生研究》,上海古籍出版社2007年版,第93-128页。)。在此风尚的陶冶下,流芳以平实和易、特立超迈的品性立身,周旋于公安、竟陵人物之间,既显示出与之相类的诗学观念,又能出乎其中,通过客观意义上的对明代相关诗学资源的批判性继承纠补了他们的偏执、缺陷。《四库全书总目提要》评价李流芳的文学创作成就时说:“虽才地稍弱,不能与其乡归有光等抗衡,而当天启崇祯之时,竟陵之盛气方新,历下之余波未绝,流芳容与其间,独恪守先正之典型,步步趋趋,词归雅洁,三百年中斯亦晚秀矣。”(注:纪昀等:《四库全书总目提要》卷一百七十二集部二十五,海南出版社1999年版,第 910页。)实际上,非但其诗文创作堪称三百年中之晚秀,他的诗学思想亦以其独到建树屹立于晚明文学批评之林,反映出晚明主情论诗学发展的一种重要趋向。
  Li Liufang’s Poetic Thoughts and Its Significance 
  in History of Literary Critiques
  Li Ke
  Li Liufang was a famous literati of Jiading in the late Ming Dynasty. There were two aspects constituted the main body of his poetic theory of sensibility which was that poetry root in emotion and spirit and the function and value of artistic form of poetry is important. Based on this, he also proposed some viewpoints about poetic, such as the relationship between inheritance and innovation, the relationship between poetry and painting. Li Liufang rectified deficiencies in poetic theories of “Gong’an” and “Jingling” by inherited thoughts from resources of poetic in theMing Dynasty objectively, at the same time “Gong’an”,“Jingling” and Li Liufang had similar tendency in poetic thoughts under the background of his association with two famous schools of literature named “Gong’an” and “Jingling”, thus showing the characteristics of poetic and personality which was moderate and distinctive. All of these reflected the significance of Li Liufang’s poetic thoughts in history of literary critiques. 
  Li Liufang; Poetic Thoughts; Poetic in the Ming Dynasty; Significance in History of Literary Critiques

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