
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:宫敬才 发表于:2013-01-17 23:31  点击:
参考文献: [1]【德】黑格尔.小逻辑[M].贺麟,译.北京:商务印书馆,1980:39. [2][3]【英】亚当斯密.国民财富的性质和原因的研究(下卷)[M].郭大力,王亚南,译.北京:商务印书馆,1974:25,199、319,27-28. [4

  责任编辑、校对:杜 莹
  The Two Routes of Economic Philosophy Epistemology
  Gong Jingcai
  (Institute of Politics and Law, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)
  Abstract: The economic philosophy epistemology thought begins from Adam Smith in a spontaneous form, two kinds of economic philosophy epistemology tendency exist in the same ideology and result in the self-contradictory results. Ricardo and Nate make two economic philosophy epistemology routes formed, contemporary western mainstream economics and information economics are their respective successors. The former takes people's cognition infinite theory as the logical premise, the latter built the economic philosophy epistemology on the basis of the limited human cognitive theory. The economics research as the guide of people's cognitive ability infinite theory is far from the real economic life more and more, the institute tendency is intensified. The human knowledge ability limited theory increasingly shows economic life wisdom.
  Key words: economic philosophy epistemology; human cognitive theory of infinite; human knowledge ability limited theory; Ricardo; Knight

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