
来源:《社会科学》 作者:赵芳 发表于:2011-04-24 17:49  点击:
(责任编辑:薛立勇) Demand and Resource: A Study of Adaptation of Migrant Children Zhao Fang Abstract: Adaptation is the ability that can response to the demand of human effectively. The key to help

  Demand and Resource: A Study of Adaptation of Migrant Children
  Zhao Fang
  Adaptation is the ability that can response to the demand of human effectively. The key to help the group adaptation is the understanding of the group process of adaptation. During interaction with the environment, migrant children are difficult to adapt the society because they lack of supply of environmental resources that affect migrant children's self-development. To help migrant children we should recognize the difference in the life course and in self-development between the local children and migrant children. We should understand migrant children’s reaction to response to environmental changes, and identify their needs, and add to the supply of additional resources according to the demands from the family ,school and community .We will help migrant children develop their social skills and form their sense of ownership and pleasure when they interact with the environment.
  Keywords:Migrant Children;Demand;Resource;Adaptation

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