
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:汪海东 孙皎 夏世金 发表于:2010-01-10 23:04  点击:
【关键词】 逆转录病毒载体;IL17基因;T细胞;NOD鼠 【摘要】 目的 构建含有Thy1.1细胞表面抗原(Thy1.1 cell surface antigen,Thy1.1)基因的携带IL17或siRNAIL17基因的逆转录病毒载体,并观察逆转录病毒对致糖尿病性BDC2.5 T细胞的转染能力。方法 利用基因工程和细胞克隆技术分别将IL17的cDNA插入MSCVIRESThy1.1(MIT)逆转录病毒载体,将Thy1.1、U6增强子(U6 promoter)基因和IL17的si

(siRNAIL17和IL17基因逆转录病毒载体的构建及其转染致糖尿病性T细胞中IL17的表达)Construction of the retrovirus vectors carrying the IL17 or siRNAIL17 genes and expression of IL17 gene in the transgenic diabetogenic T cells

  WANG HaiDong,SUN Jiao,XIA ShiJin.

  Department of Endocrinology, Institute of Geriatrics, Huadong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China 

  (siRNAIL17和IL17基因逆转录病毒载体的构建及其转染致糖尿病性T细胞中IL17的表达)【Abstract】  Objective  To construct retrovirus vectors carrying IL17 or siRNAIL17 genes with Thy1.1 gene and determine the infected ability of the retrovirus vectors to diabetogenic BDC2.5 T cells. Methods  The IL17 cDNA and Thy1.1 fulllength cDNA were subcloned into MIT(MSCVIRESThy1.1) retrovirus  vector, and the siRNAIL17, U6 promoter and Thy1.1 fulllength cDNA were also inserted into retrovirus  vector of pMNDBANSHEE.The recombined vectors were transfected 293 packaging cells by DNA calcium phosphate coprecipitation. Virus supernatant which infected preactivated spleen cells from NOD/BDC mice was collected. After incubation, the IL17 expression in diabetogenic T cells was detected. Results  By flow cytometry, retrovirus vectors carrying IL17 or siRNAIL17 genes were constructed successfully. After infection of IL17 or siRNAIL17 retrovirus to preactivated primary NOD/BDC spleen T cells, the percentages of Thy1.1+/Thy1.2+ double positive cells were (0.6±0.3)%, (7.2±2.4)%, (6.8±2.6)%, (6.4±2.4)% and (4.6±1.8)% in Mock control, MIT empty vector, Bcl2 positive control, IL17 and siRNAIL17 vector groups, respectively. After the retrovirus with IL17 infecting BDC2.5 T cells in vitro, the expression of IL17 was significantly higher than that of siRNAIL17 group and control (both of P<0.01). Infected IL17 retrovirus to either nonactivated or activated T cells respectively in vitro, the expressions of IL17 were distinctly higher than those of siRNAIL17 groups and control (both of P<0.01). Moreover, the expression of IL17 in the T cells activated groups were higher than those of nonactivated T cells groups(P<0.01). On the other hand, the expression of IL17 was markedly reduced in the groups of infection siRNAIL17, and had no difference to the control group(both of P<0.01). Conclusions  The IL17 expression of IL17 diabetogenic BDC2.5 T cells in vitro is higher than that of the transgenic cells of siRNAIL17(P<0.01). The retrovirus vectors can be used as an important tool to transfer a foreign gene into T cells efficiently.
  【Key words】  Retrovirus vector; IL17 gene;T cells;NOD mouse(siRNAIL17和IL17基因逆转录病毒载体的构建及其转染致糖尿病性T细胞中IL17的表达)

  白细胞介素17(IL17)是初始CD4 T淋巴细胞(naive CD4 T cells)分化而来的效应性Th17细胞产生的一种组织性促炎性细胞因子〔1〕。目前研究表明,IL17可调节约60种编码炎症分子的基因,是多种组织细胞的促炎性介质和CD4 T细胞参与组织炎症的重要途径之一〔2〕。为明确IL17在1型糖尿病中的作用,本研究利用Thy1.1基因作标志,分别构建了携带IL17和siRNAIL17基因的逆转录病毒载体,观察其对致糖尿病性T细胞的感染能力,为进一步研究IL17在老年糖尿病中的致病机制奠定实验基础。

  1  材料与方法(siRNAIL17和IL17基因逆转录病毒载体的构建及其转染致糖尿病性T细胞中IL17的表达)

  1.1  主要试剂和仪器  藻红素(PE)、异硫氰基荧光素(FITC)或Cychrome标记的抗CD4、Vβ4 TCR、CD69、CD62L、Thy1.1、Thy1.2、BDC2.5 TCRBiotin的单抗均购自美国BD公司,细胞因子IL17 ELISA试剂盒购自Quantikine公司,各种限制性内切酶、牛小肠碱性磷酸酶(CIAP)、T4 DNA连接酶(MBI)及核酸纯化试剂盒、小、大量质粒提取试剂盒、pGEM T Vector试剂盒均为美国Promega公司产品,MACS MultiSort Kit为德国Miltenyi Biotec产品,其他试剂均由Cincinnati Diabetes Center提供。BD FACS Calibur流式细胞仪。

  1.2  引物  根据开放阅读框(ORF)序列设计IL17的一对引物,正义:5′AGATCTGGACGCGCAAACATGAG3′,反义:5′GGGTCGTCGACGGGTCTCTGTTTAG3′;在IL17的cDNA序列的转录起始点AUG开始,选择下游第123个碱基位点作为siRNA 的作用位点,借助Design Support System软件设计IL17的siRNA:正义:5′TGGACTTCCTCCAGAATGTGTTCAAGAGACACATTCTGGAGGAAGTCCTTTTTTC3′,反义5′TCGAGAAAAAAGGACTTCCTCCAGAATGTGTCTCTTGAACACATTCTGGAGGAAGTCCA3′。通过与比对,确保了所选择的RNAi分子对作用的基因具有特异性,上述基因产品均订购于Integrated DNA Technologies公司。(责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心:南粤论文中心__代写代发论文_毕业论文带写_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)

