
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:赵春燕 包雯 发表于:2013-04-07 23:56  点击:
参考文献: [1]【德】乌尔里希贝克,约翰内斯威尔姆斯.风险社会[M].何博闻,译.南京:译林出版社,2004. [2]嘉门忧.法益论の现代意义[J].刑法杂志,2007,(47):40. [3]劳东燕.公共政策与风险社会的刑法[J].中国

  [8]Prof. Dr. Winfried Hassemer.刑法与刑事政策下自由与安全之紧张关系[EB/OL].http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuihs/05forum-ss07.htm,2013-01-01.
  On the Concept of the Penalty Purpose under the Theory of Risk Society
  Zhao Chunyan, Bao Wen
  (School of Law, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang 050061, China)
  Abstract: Entering the 21st century, facing the rapid development of science, technology and material civilization level, people increasingly realizes that there are many unpredictable risks in the survival society, the accelerating modernization and globalization have pushed the traditional society to the forefront of risk society, so there is an urgent need to transform and update the criminal law concept in the context of risk society theory. In criminal legislation, there is increasingly presented the tendency of "penal activism", criminal penalties shows the early expansion, crime circle is also growing, the concept of legal is abstract. The shift is the transformation of the punishment purpose of view. The risk society more calls for the criminal law to build a positive punishment system for the purpose of general prevention, and other derivative theories of criminal law. But positive prevention is still in the guarantee of human rights and principle of culpability boundaries, to keep the tolerance of the criminal law.
  Key words: risk society; risk criminal law; penalty goal; the positive general prevention theory


















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